Visiting the Gherăești Secondary School
The Gymnasium School from Gherăești commune is one of the educational units from Neamț County, a partner in the “Quality and Inclusion through Education” project. The 27 registered beneficiaries are 20 children at risk of dropping out of school and 7 children with special educational needs. Everyone is happy to participate in the activities that take place within the project, daily after class. The specialists who take care of them are Mrs. Minodora Gălățeanu – teacher of remedial education, Mrs. Iulia Țifui – psychologist and Mrs. Elena Diaconu – speech therapist.
In May, the Target Group (GT) team, the Monitoring Officer, and the Project Communication and Advertising Officer visited to get to know the beneficiaries better and to find out from them if they were excited about the activities on the project. which carries them out. The few photos captured a remedial education activity called “Why We Can Be Grateful” in which the children showed, through drawings and free speech, what events in their lives made them happy.