The alphabet of qualities
Good to find!
It’s a gloomy weather outside, but it doesn’t discourage us at all! We invite you, this time, to the Secondary School in Ion Creangă commune, Averești structure. “Friday, 11.11.2022, was my first meeting with the ten beneficiaries of our project from the Secondary School in Ion Creangă Commune. The topic addressed was: “Who am I?” , and the activity was interactive. In it, we shared things about ourselves, events from our everyday lives, we drew, we filled in a worksheet with the help of which the children understood in what way we are similar or different from each other.
At the same time, we discussed the acceptance of those around us and personal integration within the group.
Last but not least, through brainstorming and open questions, we discovered an alphabet of our qualities: attentive, happy, creative, giving, enthusiastic, beautiful, tender…and so on. “- said Diana Ionela Imbru, psychologist.