Closing event of the project implementation period
Our project has reached the end of the implementation period. We still haven’t gotten used to the idea…we still carry in our hearts beautiful memories and the friendships we made not only with the little ones, but also with each other.
We thought it was possible, we gave everything we knew how to give and it seems we succeeded.
The “Quality and Inclusion through Education” project targeted children and young people between the ages of 7 and 17, as well as their parents, who understood the importance of school attendance and social integration.
The total value of the project was 1,450,502 Euros, an amount offered by Norway through Norwegian Grants 2014-2021 within the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Increasing Roma Inclusion” Program, administered by the Romanian Social Development Fund.
The closing event of the implementation period was on Tuesday, February 27, and was the best proof that our activities and involvement bore fruit: the children declare themselves delighted, and the specialists and teaching staff are convinced that the fruits of their work will be seen in time.
More than 150 people were present at the closing conference. Thank you all.